Other places to find help.
There may be other services to help you. To find out what legal help is available in your area of Illinois, go to Get Legal Help.
If you have some money to pay for a lawyer, then you can contact the Illinois State Bar Association’s Lawyer Finder. The service gives you the name of a local lawyer who you can discuss your legal issue with for $25. After the initial meeting, you can decide whether to hire the lawyer.
Some lawyers offer ‘limited scope’ services. Limited scope means that a lawyer will help you with one part of your case, rather than the whole case. For example, a lawyer could draft legal documents for you to file on your own in court, or a lawyer could appear in court on your behalf for one hearing before the judge. If you talk to a lawyer, ask them about limited scope services.
To learn more about your legal problem, check out IllinoisLegalAid.org. It offers free legal articles, guides, court forms, videos and more.
Active-Duty Military/Veterans Legal Assistance
ABA Home Front
ABA Home Front provides legal information, resources, and a directory of legal programs for veterans, service members, and military families. Programs listed include military legal assistance offices, legal aid and pro bono organizations, lawyer referral and information services, and military-specific programs where available.
ABA Military Pro Bono Project
The ABA Military Pro Bono Project accepts case referrals from military attorneys on behalf of junior-enlisted, active-duty military personnel facing civil legal issues, and it works to place these cases with pro bono attorneys.
Illinois Armed Forces Legal Aid Network
IL-AFLAN provides free civil legal services to low and moderate income current or former members of the military. IL-AFLAN covers all civil issues, including VA benefits appeals and discharge upgrades, and operate across the state via our attorney-staffed hotline and network of partners.